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South Africa showcase and online business matching

Association Servi...South Africa

This event offers Hong Kong exporters a chance to promote their wares and network in the country’s two main cities without travelling there.



WHAT: Exporters in Hong Kong have a chance to display their products in Johannesburg and Cape Town without having to travel amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Targeted products include babywear, electronic gadgets, fashion & accessories and watches. There will also be online business matching meetings on 24 February with Johannesburg buyers and 25 February with Cape Town buyers. A three-month post-event consultation service will be offered.

WHEN: 24-25 February 2021

WHO: Organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council

WHY: South Africa has strong domestic consumption, with a population of 57.94 million. The country ranks third within the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) on ease of doing business. Johannesburg is the largest metropolitan contributor to South Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP) and the average annual income per household is 57% higher than the national average. Cape Town, meanwhile, is seen as the top opportunity city in Africa, ranked sixth among middle-income country cities - behind Beijing, Kuala Lumpur, Moscow, Shanghai and Mexico City. The GDP per capita is 32% higher than the national average.

WHERE: Hotels in the cities. Sample shipping service provided.


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