
Business of IP Asia Forum and Entrepreneur Day 2024

Nick Blake of KUDO (United Kingdom) talks to the HKTDC at Entrepreneur Day 2024. The 14th Business of IP Asia Forum (BIP Asia Forum), jointly organised by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, and the 16th Entrepreneur Day (E-Day), hosted by the HKTDC, are held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 5-6 December 2024. The two events feature forums, exhibitions, competitions, workshops, and business matching sessions. More than 160 global intellectual property (IP) owners, users, experts, industry leaders, venture capitalists, and other prominent figures have gathered to discuss IP commercialisation, valuation and branding, cross-industry applications, emerging trends in innovation and technology (I&T), opportunities in the Greater Bay Area, ASEAN, and international prospects. Over 400 start-ups and innovative projects are showcased their products and technologies.

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