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Europe conflict raises price pressures in Taiwan

Although neither Russia nor Ukraine number among Taiwan’s leading trading partners, the European conflict has already dealt a blow to the territory’s economy. The conflict is likely to contribute to a rise in inflation, which is now expected to exceed 2% this year.
Business Manageme...Electronics & Ele...TaiwanRussiaUkraineMarket Opportunit...Trade

Giant greenfield market in Central Asia

Along with shoppers in many countries, consumers in Kazakhstan – the largest economy in Central Asia – abruptly shifted online during the COVID-19 pandemic as social-distancing restrictions limited options for physical shopping.

Adaptability rules for entrepreneurs

From Krakow to Vladivostok and St Petersburg to Sofia, the gigantic Eastern European region is known for its many start-up centres, which draw on a well-educated population, low costs and a host of other advantages.

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