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Learn about the many ways to go green today.

Shandong expands green industry

Coastal Shandong province, rich in agricultural and energy resources, is seeking to boost sustainable development and Hong Kong, which supplies the lion’s share of offshore investment, is eager to supply expertise and funding for green growth.

17 July 2024

Green energyGreen finance

Hong Kong puts hydrogen on road

The SAR Government this week released a detailed Strategy of Hydrogen Development in Hong Kong, detailing efforts to boost the role of the gas as a way to store and transport renewable energy.

APEC business leaders gather in Hong Kong

The second 2024 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Meeting, led by ABAC Peru Chair Julia Torreblanca, held wide-ranging discussions on diverse business issues, from trade and investment facilitation to digital transformation and sustainability.

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