
Liver campaign aims to extend lives

28 May 2024

Healthtech pioneer launches a 10-million scans drive at the HKTDC’s Asia Summit on Global Health.

According to the 2024 Global Hepatitis Report by the World Health Organization, viral hepatitis is the second leading infectious cause of death globally – resulting in 1.3 million deaths per year and an average of 3,500 lives a day.

To tackle this global public health challenge, medical imaging pioneer Eieling Technology joined forces with the Hong Kong LiverCare Alliance to launch the Livercare – Hong Kong 10 Million Liver Scans Program during the Asia Summit on Global Health (ASGH) this month.

The campaign aims to improve public awareness of liver disease prevention and promote early detection and treatment to reduce the threat of liver disease to human health.

At the launch ceremony, PolyU Vice President of Research and Innovation Prof Christopher Chao, said: “As a PolyU-nurtured start-up, Eieling Technology actively commercialises the University’s patents. With the support from investors and industries through the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem of PolyU, the company is able to translate its technologies into products with a positive impact on society. The launch of the programme marks a milestone for PolyU in contributing to global public health, reflecting the University's commitment to social responsibility and the translation of scientific research outcomes.”

As the first participating institution, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) will, starting from July, conduct liver fibrosis and fatty liver screening for full-time university staff using Eieling’s Liverscan, a palm-sized, wireless ultrasound imaging device.

From the data collected, the team will study the importance of a balanced diet and daily exercise as well as regular liver disease screening to monitor progress of liver disease.

All patients need to do is undergo a three-minute scan. Liverscan is linked to a portable computer that displays results on a screen, while an intelligent algorithm performs calculations and interprets the results, Alyssa Lin, Senior Clinical Research Manager at Eieling, explained at the launch.

“The convenient hand-held scanner enables large-scale early screening for signs of liver disease,” Hong Kong Trade Development Council Deputy Executive Director Patrick Lau stated.

“To further their cause and expand their business, the company has participated in several HKTDC events, including the Asia Summit on Global Health and InnoEX as well as the International Medical and Healthcare Expo. Networking at the events let Eieling successfully connect with a number of important partners and investors, contributing to substantial growth.”

Eieling Technology, co-founded by Prof Zheng Yongping and his team at PolyU in 2018, is a tech start-up specialising in advanced medical ultrasound imaging devices designed to screen for liver diseases. Transient elastography diagnostic technology was combined with a real-time ultrasound image guided system to develop Liverscan for liver fibrosis assessment.

The palm-sized, wireless device is lightweight and portable, thus easy to control and economical, allowing medical staff to perform liver check-ups on patients anytime, anywhere.

Liverscan is being used in hospitals and clinics in Hong Kong, Macao and more and has obtained registration approval from the US Food and Drug Administration.

Eieling Technology is carrying out clinical research and cooperation with several hospitals in Mainland China. Liverscan is expected to enter the mainland market in the third quarter, with a global launch in 2025.

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